+91 - 0522-2838108
Main object of the Mission is pollution abatement in River Ganga and it’s environmental / ecological improvement and to achieve it’s object there are following objectives of the agency
To implement River Basin Management Programme prepared and approved by the National Ganga River Basin Authority & SMCG-UP.
To prepare the annual work plan of SMCG-UP and obtain it’s approval of the SMCG-UP/concerned Authorities.
To facilitate smooth implementation of approved yearly work plan.
To Supervise and Coordinate the activities necessary for pollution control and treatment for maintaining the quality of water in river Ganga.
To implement the recycling and reuse of water, rain water harvesting, decentralized sewage treatment system, water conservation and conservation procedures.
To facilitate State Government and / or local bodies in issues related to the land acquisition, removal of unauthorised encroachments, contracts for the purpose of implementation of instructions of National Ganga River Basin Authority and SMCG-UP
Study of researches for achieving above objects and to prepare case studies.
To encourage participation of all sections of communities including females for equitable and uniform development for ensuring water quality in river Ganga.
To develop proper knowledge and effective communication with all stockholders for fulfillment of above objects
Other works which may help the agency in fulfilling the above objects.